Derivados de Kumquat is a younger company that was born in Vélez de Benaudalla in the Tropical Coast of Granada in 2012.

The aim of creating the company was to be able to develop a high quality line of products (delicatessen) based in kumquat as a main product.

After several years of reseach (I+D), the Delgado Brothers decided to plant kumquats in their farms and open a little bottling factory with the different kind of products obtained from the kumquat, trademarked as Dekúm.

Derivados de Kumquat is a considerable project that preserves the environment and we apply the same safety in our manufacturing processes:

Ecological manufacturing

0% of waste in the whole production line

Water recycling used in the factory for watering

Water disinfection of the factory with UVA rays to eliminate the chlorine from the process

Use of LED lights to save energy in the factory

Biological fighting against plagues using predators like the snails against the worms, the ladybirds and crisopas (Chrysopidae) against the greenfly...